Can you submit one idea multiple times?

Can you submit one idea multiple times?

Some nonprofits are concerned they need to develop new ideas all the time. Regularly someone will ask me, now that I have submitted idea A to donor X, do I need to have a new idea for donor Z? In other words, can you submit one idea multiple times? Or do you need new...
Before you do an ask, define exactly what you need

Before you do an ask, define exactly what you need

Before you go out and ask a potential donor to support your plan, make sure you have developed a budget. So that you know what resources you need to implement the plan. In other words, before you do an ask, define exactly what you need. Why do I need to know my...
How validation of your ideas will help you

How validation of your ideas will help you

One question I see all the time, in different forms and shapes, is this: how can I convince donors? How can I ask, without begging? In an earlier post I wrote that communicating with your donor at impact level is crucial. This will help you speak at the level of their...
You need a razor-sharp focus to stand a chance of achieving your aims

You need a razor-sharp focus to stand a chance of achieving your aims

In a previous post I wrote how important it is to speak with your donors at impact level. What is the impact of your work? And what is an impact they seek to contribute to? What is important to them to help improve in this world? Sometimes I get the feeling that...
Impact is why you are doing what you are doing

Impact is why you are doing what you are doing

Doing things for the greater good requires resources. All nonprofits know that. And acquiring resources can be quite a challenge. It is one of the topics many people write me about. And in one form or another, very often my answer has something to do with impact....